Streaming vs Downloading

April 15, 2021


In today's digital era, entertainment has become an essential part of our lives. We are now streaming and downloading movies, TV shows, music, and more. But the question remains, which one is better? In this blog post, we'll provide a factual comparison between streaming and downloading, including numbers and references, to help you make an informed decision.


Streaming has become increasingly popular over the years due to its convenience. With just a few clicks, you can access a vast library of movies, TV shows, and music without having to download anything. Streaming services deliver content over the internet, allowing you to watch or listen to it in real-time without having to wait for the download to complete.


  • Saves storage space
  • Quick access to a vast library of content
  • No need to wait for downloads to complete
  • Content can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection


  • Requires a stable and fast internet connection
  • Buffering issues can be frustrating
  • Some streaming services require a monthly subscription fee


According to a report by Statista, the number of worldwide streaming subscribers is projected to reach 1.1 billion by 2021, up from 533 million in 2018.

In 2019, Netflix reported that its streaming service accounted for 37% of all US internet traffic during peak hours.


Downloading refers to transferring files from the internet to your device's storage. This method has been around for a long time and was the primary way of obtaining digital content before streaming became popular. Downloading allows you to store the content on your device and access it without an internet connection.


  • Can access content without an internet connection
  • No buffering issues
  • Can be cheaper in the long run for frequent users


  • Consumes storage space
  • Downloads can take a long time
  • Can be difficult to find legitimate sources of content
  • Some downloads may contain viruses or malware


According to a report by Sandvine, BitTorrent traffic accounted for 27% of total upstream internet traffic in North America in 2019.


Both streaming and downloading have their pros and cons. Streaming provides convenience, quick access, and saves storage space, while downloading allows you to access content without an internet connection and can be cheaper in the long run for frequent users. It ultimately depends on your personal preferences and usage. If you have a stable and fast internet connection, streaming might suit you better, but if you frequently access the same content, downloading might be a better option.


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